It relied on punched cards and paper tape but also used inexpensive disk storage ( 1MB total). 它依赖于穿孔卡片和纸带而且还使用廉价的磁盘存储(总量为1MB)。
Because these systems operated with paper tape and magnetic tapes, the software represented by those media has been repackaged into files for ease of use. 因为这些系统通过纸带和磁带操作,所以通过那些介质表示的软件已经被重新包装成易于使用的文件。
In the early days, bootstrapping a computer meant feeding a paper tape containing a boot program or manually loading a boot program using the front panel address/ data/ control switches. 早期时,启动一台计算机意味着要给计算机喂一条包含引导程序的纸带,或者手工使用前端面板地址/数据/控制开关来加载引导程序。
A device that punches hole patterns in paper tape to represent characters for storage and/ or transfer. 带式自动纸带穿孔机在纸带上穿孔,表示存储或传输的字符的一种机械装置。
This series of machine is suitable for materials including: riband, cotton tape, rubber tape, nylon tape, paper tape and adhesive tape. 透明纸胶带有什么不行?本系列机械适应材料:丝带、棉带、胶带、尼龙带、纸带、不干胶带等卷装带类。
Sprocket holes: Feed holes in paper tape. He pointed down the driveway towards the back garden. 刺轮孔:纸带上,引导纸带向前的小孔。把他们从车道上引向后花园。
Tape: Data storage device which can either be paper or magnetic. See Magnetic tape, Paper tape. 带:贮存数据的装置;分别为纸带或磁带。参阅磁带,纸带。
Advanced feed hole: Refer to sprocket holes of paper tape, which are in line with the leading edge of the code holes. 前向齿孔:纸带上和代码孔相并行排列的齿轮孔。
This excludes transportation paper tape, and then view the drawing control and gripper of the hand-over time, all these things are quite normal. 排除了输纸带上的问题后,再查看拉纸规与递纸牙的交接时间,这一切都很正常。
The material on which data and instructions are recorded, e.g., magnetic disk, paper tape, floppy disk, magnetic tape, punch card, etc. 在其上可以记录数据和指令的材料,如磁盘、纸带、软(磁)盘、磁带、穿孔卡片等。
Automatically prints stock quotations on a paper tape. 自动在纸带上打印存货报价单。
"Reading" is taking the coded information from punched cards or paper tape. 读出就是从穿孔长片或纸带上提取代码信息。
In communications, a manual switching system where incoming messages to the switching center perforate paper tape. 在通信技术中,一种人工信息〔文〕换方法,即进入交换中心的(息)文用手工在纸带上穿孔。
Research of Tension Control of Paper Tape of Fruit-cultivating Bag Machine Based on Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID 基于模糊自适应PID的育果袋机纸带张力控制研究
A perforation, as in a punched card or paper tape. 在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。
One of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer. Medium on which data, once written, cannot be erased to permit re-writing, e.g., card, paper tape, and so on. 一个整数能够被另一个整数整除后者是前者的因数。指数据一旦写入就不能被擦除与重写新数据的介质,如纸卡、纸带等。
In paper tape equipment, a tape punch operated by a keyboard, by received signals or by another unit. 在纸带设备中,用键盘或接收到的信号或由另一台设备操作的纸带穿孔机。
Make up an example like those in ( c) and draw the paper tape. 编一个类似(c)题的例子,并绘制成纸带图形。
Then engineers got smarter, using stacks of punch-cards and paper tape for programs and output, followed by half-inch magnetic tape: all serial-access storage. 不过工程师们还是很聪明的,他们用打孔的卡片和纸带用来存储和输出,随后还出现了半英寸的磁带&这些都是串行存取的存储设备。
Converter: A device for the conversion of data from one form to another; e.g.form paper tape to magnetic tape or disk. 转换器:把数据从一个形式转换为另一个形式的装置。例如把纸带转换为磁带或磁碟的装置。
Cotton paper tape, fiber tape, PE protection film. 棉纸胶带,纤维胶带,PE保护膜等。
A location where operators tear off incoming printed and punched paper tape and transfer it manually to the proper outgoing circuit. 一种转发场所,那里的操作员将收到的打印或穿孔的纸带撕下,人工地将纸带转送到适当的发送电路,发送出去。
A ribbon of flexible material used as a storage medium, such as paper tape, magnetic tape, etc. 一种柔性材料制成的带,它被用作存储介质,如纸带、磁带等。
Edge measuring unit for fabric, plastic, paper or vinyl rolls, it is also suitable for ribbon, lace and paper tape measuring. 边缘测量单位织物,塑料,纸张或乙烯基卷,它也适用于带,花边和纸带测量。
The dimension and position of the holes of perforated paper tape for information processing exchange GB/T1990-1980信息处理交换用穿孔纸带孔的尺寸与位置
Magnetic tape, for example, is "erasable" and paper tape is not. 例如磁带是可擦除的,纸带是不可擦除的。
We use sticky paper tape to stick things together. 我们用胶纸把东西粘在一起。
For example, some installations use either magnetic or paper tape. 例如,有些装置不是用磁带就是用纸带。